Walk Bike Roll Kansas

Active Transportation Summit

September 2022, 2023

McPherson, Kansas

McPherson Community Building
122 E Marlin Street, McPherson, KS 67460

Join us for a three-day, in-person event for transportation professionals, advocates, and community members from across the state. You will deepen your understanding of the Kansas Active Transportation Plan and build valuable partnerships as you learn how to improve walking, biking, and rolling in your community through workshops, presentations, and other activities.

Plan Your Summit Experience

The Walk Bike Roll Kansas Active Transportation Summit will provide opportunities for attendees to learn from experts in the field, connect with Kansans from across the state, and leave with practical actions for improving walking, biking, and rolling. Explore the many sessions and activities we have planned, and check out the travel and lodging information as you plan your visit to McPherson.

Registration Fees

Registration fees for Wednesday and Thursday are $25 per day. Meals are not included in the registration fee. Friday sessions are complimentary, but registration is required.

Walk Bike Roll Kansas Virtual Series

You can also join us for our ongoing Walk Bike Roll Virtual Series. Us the links below to register, or view past recordings.

Kansas Active Transportation Vision and Goals

Vision: Kansas will be a place where people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds have safe and convenient options to walk, bike, roll, and use other active modes for transportation and recreation.

  • Reduce the frequency and severity of crashes involving pedestrian, cyclists, and other Active Transportation users.

  • Invest in underserved communities and prioritize the needs of populations that rely on Active Transportation and transit to reach jobs and essential services.

  • increase the regular use of walking, biking, wheeling, and other Active Transportation modes.

  • Promote Active Transportation activity and infrastructure to improve people’s health, positively impact the environment, improve quality of life, and spur economic development.

  • Normalize Active Transportation as a vital part of the overall transportation system.

  • Maintain and preserve Active Transportation system investments and funding sources.